Showing 1 - 25 of 41 Results
Speech of Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, Delivered at Toledo, Monday, August ... by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Ya... ISBN: 9781372039850 List Price: $9.95
Speech of Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, Delivered at Toledo, Monday, August ... by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Ya... ISBN: 9781372039881 List Price: $19.95
Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation, from 1859 To 1878 by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Un... ISBN: 9781372051906 List Price: $32.95
Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation, from 1859 To 1878 by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Un... ISBN: 9781372051883 List Price: $23.95
Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet, an Autobiography; Ill. with ... by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781372388989 List Price: $24.95
Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet, an Autobiography; Ill. with ... by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781372389009 List Price: $33.95
Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, in Reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, and Review of Mr... by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781372675102 List Price: $9.95
Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, in Reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, and Review of Mr... by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781372675119 List Price: $19.95
Speech of Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, Delivered at Toledo, Monday, August ... by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Ya... ISBN: 9781373074003 List Price: $19.95
Speech of Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, Delivered at Toledo, Monday, August ... by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Ya... ISBN: 9781373073990 List Price: $9.95
Coinage Act of 1873. Speech ... Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 13 1888 by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781361426357 List Price: $9.95
Correspondence Between S. Teackle Wallis, Esq by Wallis, S. Teackle (Severn ... ISBN: 9781361529966 List Price: $9.95
Interview Between the United States Senate Committee on Finance and the Hon. John Sherman, S... by United States Congress Sena... ISBN: 9781371153304 List Price: $21.95
Interview Between the United States Senate Committee on Finance and the Hon. John Sherman, S... by United States Congress Sena... ISBN: 9781371153281 List Price: $10.95
Speech Delivered by Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, at Mansfield, Ohio, on ...... by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Ya... ISBN: 9781371380717 List Price: $9.95
Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation from 1859 To 1878 by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781373512970 List Price: $32.95
Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation from 1859 To 1878 by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781373512956 List Price: $23.95
Speech by Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, on Emancipation As a Compensation for Military Service... by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781373703316 List Price: $9.95
Speech by Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, on Emancipation As a Compensation for Military Service... by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781373703323 List Price: $19.95
Sherman Letters; Correspondence Between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 To 1891 by Sherman, William T. (Willia... ISBN: 9781373887795 List Price: $18.95
Sherman Letters by Sherman, William T. (Willia... ISBN: 9781374214651 List Price: $18.95
Life and Public Services of John Sherman; Volume 2 by Poore, Benjamin Perley 1820... ISBN: 9781374331372 List Price: $9.95
Self-Government in Louisiana by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781374520264 List Price: $10.95
Republican State Executive Com. Document by Sherman, John 1823-1900 ISBN: 9781374566651 List Price: $9.95
Speech Delivered by Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, at Mansfield, Ohio, on ...... by Sherman, John 1823-1900, Ya... ISBN: 9781371380731 List Price: $19.95
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